
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Temporary Change in Comments

Sadly, I've had to temporarily turn off anonymous commenting on all my blogs. The quantity of spam is huge and growing, and it's simply taking too much time to deal with them all via comment moderation. For every legitimate anonymous comment, I'm receiving 60-70 spam comments.

I truly appreciate each legitimate comment...anonymous or otherwise...and understand that some of you don't want to register online for privacy reasons. For those of you who haven't registered with Blogger or Google, please note that these are free services and very little personal information is required, mainly an email address which you may choose to leave private.

If you truly don't want to register anywhere, you still have three private ways to contact me. First, go to the profile page on my blog (link is found in the right sidebar by my lovely picture!), where you'll find a link to email on the left sidebar. Second, you may subscribe to Simplicity via email and then simply reply to the email. Your comment will only be read by me, but I will be able to reply if you have questions. Third, add my email to your email address book. It's susanraihala at woh dot rr dot com.

I'm so sorry for this inconvenience.